How strange… Ever since you’ve told your friends you are about to move their phones seem to be mysteriously malfunctioning. Here are some tips to gently nudge your reluctant mates who have suddenly decided they must check out that Lawnmower museum on your moving day.

“We get to hang out together”
Let’s be honest, with work, family and your dog blogging, you don’t spend as much time with your old mates as you used to. This is the chance to reconnect and reminisce about the good old times while carrying your grandma’s oak cabinet.
“It’s a great work-out and it’s free”
Shape them up! One of your friends is thinking about signing up to run a marathon. Well, it seems serendipity is your ally as your new flat happens to be on the 5th floor, NO lift! Isn’t it an extraordinary coincidence? Thanks to you, they will be in top shape to start running again.
“I’m giving away my British Royal teapot collection”
Your wife swears there is not enough room in the new home for your precious English fine bone china. You like to keep your wife happy. And you know of at least 3 people who are dying to get their hands on it.

“I’ll book you a massage”
Of course, you are aware that lifting couches and boxes of books you’ve never read does imply feeling stiff and sore the next day. You are such a thoughtful friend that you have booked a massage for them in a spa. Tell them to be quick, as only the first one to respond will enjoy the pampering session!
“I’ll take you to this expensive restaurant you’ve been obsessed with”
You’ve done the math. Eating there will still be cheaper than hiring removal men. Or better yet, invite him over and cook his favourite dish anytime. Just pray it’s not the challenging Duck Pâté en Croûte.
“Guess who is going to be there?”
It’s no secret your friend has a crush on your cousin. Tell him she’s coming, and his schedule will magically clear itself. Now, you just need to persuade her to come along to help.

“I’ll let you play all the music you want”
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Your friend is built like a brick house so be prepared to endure his passion for Bavarian Polka.
“Please, pretty please… I’ll do anything”
Should all the above fails, beg him. Tell him you’ll house-sit his cat, though you think cats are creepy. Promise him you’ll iron his shirts even if it means you’ll need to buy an ironing board and an iron.