The checklist that will save your day before a professional meeting

Preparing for a business meeting can be a daunting experience. So, if you’re not flexible enough to do yoga and can’t seem to relax, here are some practical tips to prepare and skillfully handle the situation while you’re in your rental car.

Confirm your appointment the day before
Remember that recurring nightmare where you show up (naked) to a meeting and end up in the wrong building? You wouldn’t want that to happen in real life, would you? So, just send an email to make sure you’ll be in the right place at the right time.
Check your car’s fuel level
You might think we’re being overly cautious, but if you’re heading to the meeting of your life, you don’t want to run out of gas. You see, you can never be too careful.
Find the nearest coffee shop to your meeting location
Keep reading, you’ll understand why.

Choose your outfit in advance
What if there’s a ketchup stain on your lucky jacket or your favorite dress is still in your best friend’s closet? You need a backup plan.
Finally take that new iron out of its box
You don’t want to look like you slept in your car! Plus, you don’t need a PhD to iron, just that iron you’ve never used.
Get a good night’s sleep
You might have to postpone your poker night to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next day.
Dress after having breakfast
You might roll your eyes, but are you sure you want a nice coffee stain on the first shirt you’re so proud to have ironed?
Check the battery charge of your computer and phone
While you’re doing your hair, plug in everything that needs to be plugged in. You don’t want your computer to take a nap during the presentation you spent weeks preparing. And take your car charger for your rental car – even more battery!
Go easy on the perfume
Unless you want to make the person across from you sneeze constantly and end up cursing you.
Be early
For once in your life, listen to your overprotective mother. What if there’s a lot of traffic on the road? Nothing is more stressful than sitting in your rental car fearing you’ll be late. Give yourself plenty of time by leaving early, and you’ll arrive at your destination without a sweaty face, hands, and armpits.
Get in the zone
Now is the time to head to that coffee shop you spotted the day before. Sit down and sip a coffee, tea, or kale juice (whatever you like) and review that meeting one last time. Finally, check that your mascara hasn’t run down your cheeks, take a mint, and you’re ready to go…