Stay Calm While Driving: The Ultimate Guide

Do you tend to have small outbursts of anger in traffic? We all sometimes feel grumpy when we’re behind the wheel, especially when another driver gets in our way, doesn’t follow the rules, or simply had a bad night’s sleep.
Instead of letting your stress levels shoot up in the car or van, you should keep them under control for your own safety and that of others. From distraction through music to lowering your heart rate with deep breathing exercises, there are many tricks you can try on the road.
Let’s look at some simple things you can do to not only sit more calmly behind the wheel. Some of these tricks are also great for passing the time on long car journeys.
Can’t stand the radio? Try a podcast instead
If you’ve been trying in vain to find a radio station you like, you should follow the podcast trend. Podcasts became popular a few years ago and are the perfect pastime for a long and boring journey!
Never listened to one before? You’ll find thousands of different podcasts online, from educational to purely entertaining, so there’s bound to be something you like. As a start, you can dive into gripping true crime stories with Mordlust or get a glimpse into the life of TV star Klaas Heufer-Umlauf with Baywatch Berlin.
For the avid bookworm (or the book hater), there are audiobooks
Don’t have time to dive into a good book right now? Then listen to an audiobook!
They are perfect for people who spend a lot of time on the road for work. On apps like Audible, you’ll find thousands of titles to choose from. Let yourself be mentally whisked away from the car with fantastic fiction.
If the current music charts don’t appeal to you, listen to something soothing
On long car journeys, it’s common to turn on the radio or connect the vehicle to a music streaming app. Still finding it hard to stay relaxed? Maybe you should switch to a different genre.
There are numerous studies on the effect of music on the mind, with certain rhythms and harmonies relaxing the listener better than others. If you want to be more balanced, try listening to something with a slower tempo.
Classical music, jazz, easy listening, and string instrument music (especially for yoga and meditation) are best for stress reduction. That’s why your father always forced you to listen to jazz in the car! If you need a mood booster, switch to a playlist with cheerful pop songs. A good song can make your day and drive a bit more optimistic!
Finally: Remember to take regular breaks
There’s a reason we’re giving you this tip. It works. One of the best ways to stay calm on the road? Leave the road! Regular breaks every 30 to 60 minutes while driving are good for the body and mind.
Leaving your seat and stretching your legs allows you to stretch your muscles, get some fresh air, and finally relax. Focusing on the road and other drivers can be quite exhausting! Fatigue not only increases the risk of accidents but can also make you grumpy and potentially stressed.
Take a break, relax, and recharge before continuing your journey. You’ll definitely notice the difference in your energy levels and mood!
Stress reduction isn’t the only thing you should think about when driving for work. Learn some simple tips on how to stay healthy as a driver, or familiarize yourself with the regulations for regular rest breaks in different EU countries.