At Europcar, we know how precious your time is. That is why we created eInvoicing, a dematerialized invoicing solution for our corporate customers. As your invoices are transmitted electronically, e-Invoicing helps you save time and reduce delays linked to traditional mail delivery. Besides, we created 3 different e-Invoicing solutions to fit each of your needs.
Fast & easy
PDF by Email
Fast & easy implementation. Duplicate invoices are archived on the web portal for two years and can be accessed 24/7.
One click away
PDF on Web Portal
Similar to the PDF by email solution, it has always a PDF format and it may be signed, making it an original document acceptable by authorities for European Certification.
Ideal for big customers
Electronic Data Interchange
Ideal for big customers who have articulated or expansive billing activity. It is also perfect for customers who already have an existing dematerialization operator.
Request a call back
You want to know more about our E-Invoicing process? For any inquiries or questions, our team will call you back.